FMCSA to Address Sexual Harassment and Assault in Trucking

FMCSA to Address Sexual Harassment and Assault in Trucking

Research Methodology and Study Design:

The FMCSA’s study on sexual assault and sexual harassment within the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) industry will employ a rigorous research methodology and study design to ensure the validity and reliability of its findings. The study may utilize a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis. FMCSA will carefully consider factors such as sample size, sampling methods, and data collection techniques to capture a representative and comprehensive picture of sexual assault and sexual harassment within the industry. By adopting a robust research methodology and study design, FMCSA aims to generate high-quality data that can inform evidence-based interventions and recommendations to address sexual assault and sexual harassment effectively.

Engaging Stakeholders in the Research Process:

FMCSA recognizes the importance of engaging stakeholders throughout the research process to ensure that the study reflects the perspectives and needs of all individuals within the CMV industry. Stakeholders may include truck drivers, industry associations, advocacy groups, government agencies, law enforcement officials, and community organizations. FMCSA will seek input from stakeholders on study design, data collection methods, and potential interventions to address sexual assault and sexual harassment. By fostering collaboration and communication among stakeholders, FMCSA aims to develop a research approach that is inclusive, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the industry.

Incorporating Gender Identity and Demographic Information:

FMCSA’s study will take into account the diverse experiences and backgrounds of individuals within the CMV industry by incorporating gender identity and demographic information into its research framework. This may include collecting data on gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, education, age, income, length of time in the industry, geographic region of operation, and other relevant factors. By examining how sexual assault and sexual harassment experiences vary across different demographic groups, FMCSA aims to develop targeted interventions that address the specific needs and challenges faced by women, minority groups, and other marginalized populations within the industry.

Ensuring Confidentiality and Privacy:

FMCSA is committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of study participants throughout the research process. All data collected as part of the study will be anonymized and securely stored to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure. FMCSA will adhere to strict data protection protocols in accordance with federal regulations and ethical guidelines to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of study participants. By prioritizing confidentiality and privacy, FMCSA aims to create a safe and trusting environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their experiences and insights regarding sexual assault and sexual harassment within the CMV industry.

Disseminating Findings and Recommendations:

Upon completion of the study, FMCSA will disseminate its findings and recommendations to stakeholders across the CMV industry and beyond. This may include publishing research reports, hosting webinars and conferences, and developing educational materials and resources. FMCSA will also work closely with industry partners, advocacy groups, and government agencies to promote awareness and understanding of the study’s findings and recommendations. By disseminating its findings widely, FMCSA aims to catalyze action and drive meaningful change in addressing sexual assault and sexual harassment within the CMV industry.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation:

FMCSA recognizes that addressing sexual assault and sexual harassment within the CMV industry is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation. Following the completion of the study, FMCSA will continue to monitor trends and developments related to sexual assault and sexual harassment within the industry, as well as the implementation and impact of any interventions and recommendations resulting from the study. This may involve conducting follow-up research, collecting additional data, and engaging with stakeholders to assess progress and identify areas for improvement. By remaining vigilant and proactive, FMCSA aims to ensure that its efforts to address sexual assault and sexual harassment are effective and sustainable over the long term.

Request for Information:

In the development of the sexual assault and sexual harassment study, FMCSA is seeking insights on various aspects. Please provide responses to the following inquiries:

  1. Regarding the study’s design, what methodology would effectively gather sexual assault and sexual harassment data in the CMV industry, particularly among drivers? FMCSA is considering methods such as surveys, interviews, and potential peer reviews to ensure accurate portrayal of sexual assault and sexual harassment within the industry and facilitate the development of appropriate countermeasures.
  2. What are the recommended approaches or techniques for gathering information on gender identity?
  3. Who should be involved as targeted stakeholders in a sexual assault and sexual harassment study for the CMV industry?
  4. What methods or platforms can best incorporate stakeholder input and feedback throughout the study process, such as surveys, individual interviews, focus groups, or other formats?
  5. What existing research can inform the design and administration of sexual assault and sexual harassment related questions, including question style, sequencing, repetition, and phrasing?
  6. When formulating demographic queries related to sexual orientation and ethnicity, what are the recommended strategies to ensure accuracy and sensitivity?
  7. What are the most effective methods for capturing sexual assault and sexual harassment incidents and trends across various stages of a career within the CMV industry (e.g., trainee, driver, managerial positions, retirees, etc.)?
  8. Are there additional demographic categories that should be included in the study, such as education, age, income, tenure in the industry, CMV sector, geographical location, etc.? Please specify the relevance of these categories in understanding the sexual assault and sexual harassment issue and formulating effective responses.
  9. What methods should FMCSA employ to ensure a comprehensive approach to capturing the breadth of sexual assault and sexual harassment? Which question categories should be included to address the issue thoroughly?
  10. What are the recommended practices for keeping stakeholders and the public informed at key milestones during an extended study? How can FMCSA disseminate information, such as literature reviews and preliminary results, to stakeholders without compromising the study’s integrity?


The FMCSA’s study on sexual assault and sexual harassment within the commercial motor vehicle industry represents a comprehensive and systematic effort to understand and address these critical issues affecting drivers. 

To aid in this study, the FMCSA is asking for responses regarding the specific questions listed above. They will be accepting comments through March 11th, 2024. Join their efforts by filing your response here.




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