FMCSA Poised to Roll Out a Proposal Late December of 2023 To Make Sure that Commercial Trucks with Integrated Automated Driving Systems Are Deployed Safely

FMCSA and the Future of Autonomous Trucks for Truck Drivers

In the fast-evolving world of commercial trucking, the latest news on automated driving systems (ADS) is generating quite a buzz among truck drivers. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is poised to roll out a proposal in late 2023 aimed at ensuring the safe deployment of commercial motor vehicles with automated driving systems. While the prospect of autonomous trucks on the road raises intriguing possibilities, it also raises questions and concerns for the trucking community.

FMCSA’s Commitment to Safety and Innovation

As we approach the end of this year, the FMCSA is gearing up to release a notice of proposed rulemaking that addresses the integration of autonomous trucks into the industry. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s September 2023 Significant Rulemaking Report, this proposal underscores the agency’s commitment to safety and security, promoting innovation while maintaining a consistent regulatory approach to ADS-equipped commercial motor vehicles. It acknowledges the distinctions between human operators and autonomous systems.

Earlier this year, in February, the FMCSA initiated a supplemental advance notice of proposed rulemaking, seeking input from the trucking industry on various aspects of ADS deployment. They sought feedback in three critical areas: notification by motor carriers operating level 4 or 5 automated driving system-equipped commercial motor vehicles, oversight for remote assistants, and vehicle inspection and maintenance.

Key Questions and Concerns

The questions posed by the FMCSA in the supplemental notice reflect their intention to address the challenges and opportunities that autonomous trucks bring:

  1. Notification Requirements: Should motor carriers operating Level 4 or 5 automated driving system-equipped vehicles inform the FMCSA before deploying these vehicles in interstate commerce without a human driver? If so, what methods or procedures should be established for this notification?

  2. Remote Assistants: To what extent should federal requirements that apply to commercial drivers also extend to remote assistants who are not expected to take control of the dynamic driving task of an automated-driving-system-equipped commercial motor vehicle operating at Level 4?

  3. Technical Barriers: What technical barriers exist for conducting conventional roadside inspections of Level 4 or 5 automated-driving-system-equipped commercial motor vehicles, and how can these barriers be addressed?

These questions underscore the importance of thoughtful and thorough planning as the industry explores the potential of autonomous trucks.

Feedback from the Trucking Community

FMCSA’s request for feedback garnered approximately 180 comments, each providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of integrating autonomous trucks into the workforce. One notable commentator, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), emphasized caution. They cautioned against rushing the deployment of autonomous technology, citing real-world instances where automation had failed, potentially leading to dangerous outcomes.

While acknowledging the potential safety improvements offered by autonomous vehicles, OOIDA also pointed out the substantial impact that these vehicles could have on the trucking industry and its workforce. Their comments highlight the need for careful consideration and responsible policymaking that takes into account the perspectives of truck drivers, industry professionals, and the broader economy.

Congressional Oversight

Beyond the industry’s feedback, Congress is also actively monitoring the development of autonomous trucks and its potential impact on highway safety and the trucking sector. In September, the House Highway and Transit Subcommittee conducted a hearing focused on the future of autonomous commercial motor vehicles.

Cathy Chase, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, testified during the hearing. She expressed concerns about the readiness of autonomous technology, referencing recent crashes involving autonomous vehicles. She also cited instances where autonomous vehicles obstructed emergency responders in San Francisco.

Chase’s testimony underscores the importance of approaching autonomous vehicle technology with caution and prudence, prioritizing safety and addressing potential challenges as the industry evolves.

Looking Ahead

As the trucking industry prepares for the future of autonomous trucks, it’s clear that both regulatory agencies and industry stakeholders are taking a measured and careful approach. The upcoming proposal from the FMCSA is expected to provide guidelines and regulations that prioritize safety, security, and innovation while addressing concerns raised by truck drivers and industry professionals.

While the road ahead may include autonomous trucks, it’s essential to recognize that the transition will be gradual, and the industry’s human workforce remains a vital component. As the industry continues to evolve, the perspectives and experiences of truck drivers will continue to shape the future of commercial trucking.

In conclusion, the news about the forthcoming proposal from the FMCSA signals a significant step toward the integration of autonomous trucks into the commercial trucking industry. It’s a journey that will require collaboration, careful planning, and ongoing dialogue between regulators, industry leaders, and the dedicated truck drivers who keep our nation’s goods moving. The road ahead may have its challenges, but it also holds the promise of safer and more efficient trucking operations for all.



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